Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Portfolio of the World Reknowned Cameron Koller of Edinborough Abbey

To all prospective employers:

Here are my drawings. I'm sorry the page layout is lazy and boring, but I swear to you that one of these days it will be littered with designy stuff and really French looking secondary colors.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on my magnificence. I may update this with more life drawing fact I probably should, as I have much better stuff.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Location Sketching

Took a class called the Architect's Sketchbook last semester. Found it singularly difficult learning to draw all the thing I specialize in failing to draw, but ultimately my work turned out alright toward the end. Planning's not a strong suite of mind (as you might guess from my ultra-scratchy drawing style) but it was a learning experience being forced to worry about things like datums and perspective. A harrowing one even (how I envy the things architecture students can pull off) but a fruitful one.

Now, if only I can get proportions right.....consarnit!

Architecture Building

The garden near the Natural History Museum

Architecture Building Library

 Columns at Mudd Hall

SCA courtyard

In other news, I'm also attempting to break out of my Luddite ways and get better at Photoshop. Here's a first attempt. Unfortunately, while I love the look of this thing in PSD form, the JPEG form reveals my own silly attempts at subtlety fall apart when the whole thing's darkened. Alas, I'm unable to share that version online. Still, I hope what gets across is some feeling of what my year's been like (ie, not pretty).