Wednesday, December 14, 2011

450B Animatic

In case you're wondering where I've been all semester:

Sunday, May 8, 2011

450A Project

Here it is, folks!

I'll still do one or two more versions where I clean up some tiny little bugs and futz with sound effects (might even add a little more animation) but you're getting the general shape of it right here.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Texture Layouts for 450A Project...

For the last fleeting fistful of weeks, burdened by college work of all varieties and generally high difficulty, your gentle narrator has been slaving away at a multimedia extravaganza in the underground film labs at the University of Southern California, combining art both digital and analogue and completely original music into the most daring and revolutionary work of art since Stanley Kubrick's Fear and Desire.

By which I mean it's the work of a talented amateur, but I've learned a considerable amount in putting it together. Maybe I can put together a student film that's worth a damn next time. Okay, so there's some very nice transitions and design work here. Perhaps I can make it translate to my painting this summer.

I am very proud of the layouts I put together for this project, which basically deciphered the look of the whole thing. I'm inexperienced in color, but got good feedback and vibes from how these projects looked in motion. I also got compared to Gustav Klimt. That was flattering for me.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Parachute Animation

What will happen to Flyboy? Stay tuned!

I was concerned this piece wouldn't work out, but whatever the flaws (and there are flaws) they don't matter much in motion. Notice I shift the timing around, from twos at the beginning, to threes when he gets knocked the other way, back to twos then to ones as he gains momentum toward the other direction. I'm a big fan of shaking up timing like that.

Also, an old flipbook piece from a class this semester. I really could have done more with the coat at the beginning, but I dig it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Old Sketch Gets a Color Makeover

To tell the truth, I really don't know very much about color. I put this together in photoshop as an excercize, looking at Sergio Leone's work, in an attempt to start myself on the path to understanding the wacky world of translating the colors of reality to the skewed world of cartooning. It's no great shakes, but I am putting together some nice midtones and highlights, particularly on the coat. Maybe this Summer I'll find time to paint for real and get my color chops up to speed.

Future Boy Conan Animations

Conan's design is nice and simple, though one still needs to know a bit about human anatomy to make him work. I don't draw specific established characters all that much, but I figure it would help to learn a bit about individual style if I did it a bit more.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yet More!

B-SIDES!!! Footage from the Director's Cut! Uncut, uncensored and full frontal!

Random Animation from my New Project

For those hotly anticipating my new project, "Speed 3: Rickety Rocket"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Little "putting on a helmet" animation...

Nothing fancy (I'm lying, there's a lot going on here and it still doesn't look perfect).

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Hard Day's Night suffers woefully from being set during the Mop-Top days of The Beatles. Indeed, Richard Lester's New Wave-influenced cinematography and editing would have been much better served by such set pieces as John Lennon tripping out on peyote and Paul McCartney shouting at his bandmates and calling them idiots before storming out of the studio. Ringo would still be pretty much the same.

Actually, this is a mightily impressive piece of work on a cinematographic and editing level, though it took me a second viewing to notice since my first time through was fixated on the gags. Which is just as well, because this is one funny movie beyond its influence on the aesthetics of everything from MTV to independent film to Monty Python's Flying Circus. But although it's humorous and slightly subversive to see George Harrison decry the fakeness of pandering to a manufactured youth in one scene, it's even more subversive to see the way Lester depicts the television crew's own manufacturing of the image The Beatles.

Which isn't to suggest this is an especially profound film. It's a promotional through and through, but it's a likable, tongue-in-cheek, and technically innovative one. Of course, The Beatles got far more experimental in their music as they went along, and I think it makes sense that they'd welcome an experimental film like this as part of their image earlier on. I'm not sure if I like it more than Yellow Submarine, which is on another plane entirely and might as well be a product unto itself, but as one of many Beatles fans I manage to get more enjoyment out of the film than merely watching The Beatles fart about.

Interesting how the usual odd man out actually gets the most attention. Ringo's bigger than Paul as far as these films go. By the way, who the hell was Wilfrid Brambell? He practically almost steals this from The Beatles.

What I did Today....

It all goes by so quickly.....

Monday, February 28, 2011

Visual Music Animatic

Well that took long enough. I can't wait to spend a vastly longer amount of time actually putting this together. Hopefully I can leave the X-sheet to someone else next time.

The song is Mothers of Rain, from one of my favorite relics Tangerine Dream. You may know them as the band that wrote the theme to Risky Business.

Edit: There was supposed to be music to this....oh well.

The Blog is Online


Since I haven't blogged in a while, I figured the time had come to resume posting all my trivial activities, since all my friends do it and there must be somebody out there sad enough to stumble upon my own and read it. Plus, it might make for good publicity.

Hopefully I'll find time to customize the look of this place later, but since it's 2AM right now I'll leave it at the default template for the time being. Look forward to movie reviews, artwork, diary entries, and all sorts of rambling, unreadable junk.

Come with me on this amazing adventure, kiddos, through the whimsical land of Cameron's Clockwork Dwelling.

Edit: God, that blue title text is painful on the eyes. Fixing.